Virtual 3D Visuals - Page 3

GIF Title Date Available as:
Grey loops Cepatar 2001 52KB JPEG 400x400 24bit
131KB JPEG 1000x1000 24bit
839KB JPEG 2000x2000 24bit
Lava flow Lava Flows 1997 121KB JPEG 864x668 24bit
Blue, yellow and red lines Rarn 1998 85KB JPEG 600x405 24bit
264KB JPEG 1200x811 24bit
534KB JPEG 2000x1351 24bit
Purple pillars Pillars 1997 128KB JPEG 864x668 24bit
Red and yellow star Sent 1996 59KB JPEG 445x400 24bit
145KB JPEG 800x719 24bit
Red and yellow star Sent 1998 1875KB MPEG 352x240 24bit
Red and yellow star Sent Two 1996 30KB JPEG 425x400 24bit
62KB JPEG 703x662 24bit
Purple and green seascape Evaporation of Meaning 1996 52KB JPEG 499x598 24bit
Purple and green landscape The Path 1996 72KB JPEG 815x579 24bit
Room of marble textures Room of marble textures 1994 89KB JPEG 1024x768 24bit
Mountainous purple landscape Stroma 1998 222KB MPEG 368x272 24bit
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Dave Allison

Graphics and HTML by Dave Allison. Last updated 8/12/2007